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Ukranian-speaking health workers needed for MEDAIR's humanitarian primary health care and psychosocial support response
Dodane: 15-03-2022 14:41
Ważne do: 14-04-2022
Kategoria | Spotkania lekarskie |
Specjalizacja: | Medycyna rodzinna, Zdrowie publiczne, Psychiatria, Bez specjalizacji |
Region | podkarpackie |
Data dodania ogłoszenia: | 3 lata temu |
MEDAIR is an experienced international humanitarian relief organisation, specialising in health response in emergencies, alongside malnutrition, clean water, and shelter. Within health response, we focus on primary health care, aiming to support alongside the existing health system. MEDAIR has established offices in Rzeszów and Przemyśl. MEDAIR is liaising with local health authorities and is currently identifying how best to support the health needs of people arriving from Ukraine, working alongside the existing efforts of volunteers and other organisations.
MEDAIR is looking for health workers who can speak Ukrainian and English to work with us. Experience in family medicine or mental health and psychosocial support is preferred, but experience is not essential.
MEDAIR is looking for health workers who can speak Ukrainian and English to work with us. Experience in family medicine or mental health and psychosocial support is preferred, but experience is not essential.